Posts in Cocktails
Blush Margarita

For whatever reason I’ve been on a big rosé kick lately. So naturally it’s been finding its way into more and more of my cocktail creations. One evening, I threw the tale end of a bottle of rosé wine in a sauce pan with some sugar and made a simple syrup. I had this idea of using my new syrup to make a Rosé Margarita. But I didn’t want it just to be a marg with rosé syrup in it. It had to be different and kinda “elevated.”

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The origins of the Sazerac go way back to the early 1800’s, so the exact specs have undoubtedly changed in that amount of time. Early on it was made with brandy or cognac before bartenders started subbing in rye whiskey (which was a little more plentiful in the US). Lately, I’ve been enjoying splitting the base and using both cognac and high-proof rye.

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The Slow Way Down

There are a lot of orange liqueur options out there, so I can’t blame someone for just randomly picking a bottle off the shelf. However, liqueurs are often used as sweeteners in cocktails but the problem is that many of them are way too cloying & overly loaded with sugar. So the name of the game is finding a balanced orange liqueur that provides sweetness as well as a sophisticated flavor.

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The Purple Puritan

It doesn’t matter where you’re at, if you order an Empress Gin cocktail, it’s going to turn some heads. There’s just something so mesmerizing about that color. I always have a deeper appreciation for a spirit after meeting the makers & seeing the where & how it was made. After visiting Victoria Distillers in BC in Sept. 2018, it’s been fun using their naturally indigo gin in various cocktails like this one.

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